Pray for someone like you
Pray for someone like you

pray for someone like you

The wicked person tells himself that he is completely secure in his position. He says in his heart ‘I shall not be moved…’ Psalm 10:6 In the pride of his face the wicked does not seek Psalm 10:4 Whatever they want is defined as “good” for the simple reason that “I want to do it.” The reason this is wicked is that it is putting yourself in the place of God. The wicked make a virtue of whatever they want to do. The wicked boasts of the desires of his soul… Psalm 10:3 In arrogance the wicked hotly pursues the poor Psalm 10:2 What does wickedness look like? What makes a person wicked? Five-point profile of a wicked person 1. Tell him the whole story.ĭavid gives us a five-point profile of a wicked person.

pray for someone like you

You sit down together over lunch and you tell the story-in detail. This is what you do when you share a problem with a friend. This is important when we are praying about the darkness that is in the world. When David sees evil multiplying in the land, he takes time to lay out the problem before God. It is an outpouring of the grief and distress that a godly person feels when evil becomes rampant. It is about evil that seemed to David to be coming in like a flood. There is no doubt what this prayer is about. V6 He says in his heart ‘I shall not be moved…’ V4 In the pride of his face, the wicked does not seek him V3 For the wicked boasts of the desires of his soul… V2 In arrogance, the wicked hotly pursue the poor There are 18 verses in this psalm, and 11 of them are given to a sustained description of the character and activities of the wicked: Today, as we come to Psalm 10, two things are very striking about this prayer: First, the wicked seem to be winning. When we feel that we need to grow in this holy art of prayer, the book of Psalms is the place to go. We know that these prayers are pleasing to God because they are Scripture they were breathed out by the Holy Spirit through the experiences of David and the other writers of these psalms. The book of Psalms has prayers for every imaginable circumstance of life. God has given us a book of prayers in the Bible. His ways prosper at all times… Psalm 10:4-5 Who knows? Maybe his is the way God is preparing you for you future spouse.The pride of his face the wicked does not seek him While you are in the process of doing this things, keep on praying and have tons of patience because you will need lots of patience when you enter a life of marriage. Remember that Fortune always favors the bold. Have the courage to knock at the door of her hurt. The last phase is knock- Have the courage to knock. Go out your way to help others and have the sincerity to do so. Seeking also means finding new acquaintances and friends and reconnecting with forgotten relatives and old friends. If you want to find a God fearing husband, don’t go and look for him in the bar ok? It is most likely she/he can be found in nicer/quitter places- places that are more in touch with God. Ask it with pure intentions and with a prayerful spirit. First you must ask God thru prayer for a life partner. the words “ASK”, “SEEK” and “KNOCK” are in very specific order.

#Pray for someone like you how to#

Im gonna share to you simple Biblical tips on how to achieve your dream. I have been reading most of the responses and personal prayers and so far I liked what I’ve read. Ladies and Gents who are looking for a life partner/ spouse please read this. I hope this is the perfect prayer for a life partner or spouse or marriage mate. I wait for You to lead me to Your perfect Will for me in this and all things. I offer You, Lord, my loneliness and my longing for marriage. Help me to remember that whatever journey this life leads me on, You are always present, always offering companionship, and always filling my deepest need.

pray for someone like you

Teach me to seek You first and to learn to give love before I try to receive it. Help me to invest in wholesome friendships which bring me closer to You and which will assist me in making such an important decision. When my desire to find a spouse becomes all consuming, help me to relax and practice patience. Help me to address those areas of my life which are disordered and which would interfere with my having a successful marriage. While I wait for You to reveal Your Will in this matter, help me to know myself better. Lead me, Lord, to the one whom You choose for my spouse. Help me, Lord, to put this yearning for marriage in its proper place. But Lord, I find it so hard to find that mate who would be a good spouse. Lord, You said that it is not good for us to be alone.

Pray for someone like you